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It was my first night in Alphaville, but it seemed to me that centuries had passed.

The monsters are wriggling today. I woke up early and did routine maintenance around the house. Laundry is handled and the trash is ready to go out (can't put it out too early). I had a shower. I had breakfast. I've been working. The monsters still wriggle.

Not enough coffee to settle them. It's still the work day so I can't even fall back on cannabis to push them back under the bed where they live.

It's just me and the monsters today. Reminding me that no matter how productive and healthy and normal my days are, they're ready. They'll be quick to judge, tear down, and destroy every beam of light that makes it into my brain.

No, Lemmie. Bad, Lemmie. Positive thoughts and good feelings aren't for you. You belong in the dark. In the gutters. You belong here, so stop trying to get out of it.

You'll drown here. You deserve it.

What I want in VR is a place to call my own. I'm fine with the "home" selections in Meta, but I wish I could customize them. I'd like to be able to put my own pictures on the walls. Set up a bookshelf to my favorite sites or ebooks. Have a radio that's a link to my favorite streaming music, or a TV that pops up my choices of video services. There's a mirror for changing my appearance and a portal that will take me to worlds, but I want more. Give me a phone I can click to make the people menu pop up. Give me a cute little bot that hangs around and gives a "physical" presence to the voice command respondant.

Give me a place to feel comfortable and safe.

Ran some errands today and drove through a neighborhood you would have loved. Pure American Suburbs. It made me think of you. Which meant everything else after would somehow remind me of you.

Every once in a while a song comes up on favorites shuffle and it stabs me in the heart and I have to remove it from my favorites and mark it as "do not suggest" so it doesn't sneak up on me as easily. There's over 2000 tracks (and growing) marked as favorites, so I'm sure you're still in there, waiting for the Algorithm. And maybe one day it won't hurt

Forgive the unusual sentimentality. I'm trying a new strain called "Dream Angels". It's made me go all soft and mellow.

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