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It was my first night in Alphaville, but it seemed to me that centuries had passed.

Sometimes when I'm in VR I find myself thinking about Max Headroom. Then I wonder how Matt Frewer is doing. I hope he's doing well.

Updated: May 26

Before social media really took off, Twitter was billed as a "microblogging site". Microblogging was the step up from blogs, which was the step up from webpages. Microblogging later stepped up to things like Tumblr, which is basically blogging with a complex linking system that would make webrings cry.

With this, I am returning to microbloggingI'm doing this now instead of tweeting because this way I don't have to see literal Nazis.

Let me know if you want to do the reciprocal link thing like the old days, ay? I'm doing the "call me" gesture, but don't.

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If you want to get technical about it, there are no plot holes in the story of the Doctor's life. Every change to their story, every time their origin changes, it's the correct version. We're talking about a being who can regenerate, and who does so in all kinds of different times and places. Each body goes running around in space and time changing things. Saving space babies. Stopping invasions. Making changes in points in time all over the universe. We know really well what stopping something from happening or accidentally starting something happening can make major changes, and aside from the Doctor and their companion, no one else notices the change.

So maybe the Doctor is half human in one instance, just an average Gallifreyan in another, or the origin of the Time Lords in another. They've met themselves repeatedly and occasionally remarked on their aging process. Elder Five can talk to Active Ten because in that instance, Five hadn't regenerated into Six yet.

I bet if all the regenerations sat down and tried to figure out their biography they would never be able to get it straightened out. Eleven could have done something and Three could have done the same thing so they both remember .... I don't know. Starting the Great Fire of London ... but it didn't happen to both of them at the same time.

Wibbly Wobbly.

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